Friday, January 06, 2006

Banda n Adi - Episode 1

The people mentioned here is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely the writer's lack of imagination.

Adityaraj had the makings of a poet. He was sensitive, observant,
philosophical,rational and all that except that he dint write poems. He was considered to be a great listener among his group of friends.The one who could be approached when all one wished to do was whine. He was healthy and well rounded too, as people would euphemise his framework. He had a head to go with his extravagant body. No, he was not a fathead. In the contrary, he was as smart as any guy would like to be. He had an aura ( for some reason, my dictionary defines aura as: " A sensation that precedes the onset of certain disorders such as a migraine attack or epileptic seizure. Well it also has another meaning which is," An indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint ". I obviously, meant the latter ) about him that charmed most of the guys he met. It wont be wrong to say that he was conscious of this charm and charisma and was at times nonplussed about himselves. Good enough, for a young chap like him the excitement was quite natural.
All said, like everyone,Adi, as he was fondly called had his share of worries too.Or was it craving? Maybe craving. He craved for a distaff shade in his life. The shade which when absent in a virile makes him seem the most uninteresting and boring. As boring as the straight line. Adi craved for the curves.But,the ascetic personna he was, he never let the craving get the better of him,atleast in public places and wag his tongue and go "woof-woof" when a female figure passed by. Not until he met a certain gentleman called Naveen.
Naveen or Banda as he is popularly known was one tall, dark and handsome (TDH) hunk every girl would drool over, ideally. He believed that too. But then things that are ideal remains that. So by 21, it was no surprise that Banda had developed a tendency to whistle over his shoulder and appear all orgasmic and sometimes moan too when an eve passed by. All too involuntarily. A " 'hey, I'm Naveen' - 'hey, I'm engaged' " convo had become all too common to even become part of a joke when his group met. But, that dint dishearten him. Infact nothing ever disheartened Banda. He was the eternal optimist. The guy who believed that there was a great barn of horses nearby when he was drowned neckdeep in horseshit , the guy who called spade a spade. Such an extraordinary individual was difficult to be missed even in a huge crowd. So it was only a matter of time before Adi met Banda. Both were in the same college and both were extraordinary in their own rights. Now mathematically, a negative and negative makes positive and a positive and positive also makes p. So put either way ,the confluence guaranteed a summation of ideologies and other states of the mind which was sure to,if i may use the word,bother a few. So when Naveen talked about the Tarannums and other bar-girls, when he drooled and whistled and howled and moaned at every passing female, age being not a bar here, Adi merely seconded him. At times they could be heard debating over what the girl who just passed by should have been wearing (looks, dress all considered) for her to look more sultry, among other issues of contemporary importance.
Time passed by thus and both the protagonists were having a ball, in the sense fun, that Banda hollered something which made the ascetic one smile a pleased smile. Whether he kissed Banda on his forehead would remain a mystery. Banda had hollered out a plan. A plan to go to Goa and do some "soul searching" there.

End of episode 1.

p.s: Because the writer expects hostility from the protagonists (yeah yeah they are fictional all right, but you can never say who feels offended) he deems it best to present an episode wise account of the two friends rather than packing everything into a single post and getting mutilated for life. err...mutiliation in capsule format is not something that the writer is new to.


Zii said...

i do not kiss foreheads.bastard.
i kick arses. i will yours.bastard.

Ramya Shankar said...

Yaay! U've posted. Seems an interesting plot! What else is brewing?

Tanmay said...

This looks VERY interesting.

Known Stranger said...

well written. I enjoyed the views of a guy from a female writer. your observation on a male behaviour is amazing and appreciatable. You have done a nice plot with good understanding of guys way of thinking.

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