Its funny how people adapt themselves to the stuff they read. So when you read a sentence that makes no sense, you adapt yourself to the "writer's point of view" even though the writer would have failed miserably in conveying what he wanted to, at the first place. Its funny. The more you don't understand, the higher the writer stands in your top 5, top 10 lists. Jim Morrison, for example, in An American Prayer sings poetry - most of which floats 6 feet over my head. I prefer to call such stuff psychedelic and I think they are fun to listen to. So when he sings, " Out here we is stoned, Immaculate " , I gape at the shenanigan of the guy and his beautiful meaninglessness to me - so much so that I get a poster of him and worship him. Its an art to make unreasonableness and meaninglessness sound meaty. The art for me is poetry. Psychedelic poetry, rather. An act only Gods are capable of. Right now my Gods are Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison. Their songs are my mantras. Its a good thing they are dead. We have never seen Gods, right?